Latest Research

Our mission is to improve democracy by making public opinion insights more accessible. We often release public poll results so insights are available to anyone with an interest in regions, issues, causes or candidates. Below are highlights of our most recent learnings and analyses.

National Poll on Coronavirus

National Poll on Coronavirus

Change Research National Poll: April 13-15, 2020Key FindingsWorry level differs sharply by racial group, and economic stress is much more pronounced among black and Latinx votersMajority of voters still disapprove of Trump’s handling of COVID-19Voters believe...

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National Poll on Coronavirus

National Poll on Coronavirus

Change Research National Poll: March 26-28, 2020Key FindingsAmericans say they want expanded access to affordable healthcare even more than before the coronavirus crisis hitThe public broadly supports a national Vote By Mail policy for the 2020 election More voters...

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Leadership During COVID-19

Leadership During COVID-19

Dear Friends of Change,We hope you’re doing okay in this challenging time. We’re thankful for everyone who’s going above and beyond to make the world a better place -- whether they’re helping the sick, loading up supplies to keep us going, or pushing for a world that...

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Battleground Voters on COVID-19

Battleground Voters on COVID-19

CNBC/ Change Research Poll in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin: March 9-11, 2020Key FindingsA majority of voters have serious concerns about the coronavirus disease. A 53% majority say they have serious concerns about the...

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Sanders leads the Democratic Primary in New Hampshire

Sanders leads the Democratic Primary in New Hampshire

Change Research New Hampshire Poll: February 8-9, 2020Key FindingsBernie Sanders leads the Democratic primary with 30%, followed by Pete Buttigieg (21%). Joe Biden (9%), Elizabeth Warren (8%) and Amy Klobuchar (8%) round out the top five candidates.Sanders leads among...

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