SPARK: Election Tracking Poll

Take a pulse on the race with minimal investment.

Accurate polling at a fraction of the price.

Spark is a new product offering of standardized polls that can be deployed quickly at the same level of quality you’ve come to expect from our team—at an even more affordable price.

Spark Election Tracking Polls from Change Research allow candidates, campaigns, and the organizations that support them to act with confidence in the homestretch and ensure that every final dollar and hour is well spent.

Each Election Tracking Poll asks the same set of questions combined with your election details such as candidate names and top issues, thus giving you answers specific to the election being polled.

Prices for Election Tracking Polls start at as low as $6,000 for an even-year general election.

To learn more about pricing for your race, please request a quote.
Bulk discounts available.

Spark Advantages


Our streamlined approach puts affordable data in your hands early in the race, ensuring you start off on a strategic footing.


We take our experience from thousands of elections to deliver a questionnaire that shows you what to do at this early stage of the race. 

Designed by experts.

We take the guesswork out of what to ask and how to ask it. The structure of each questionnaire is pre-set; you provide the answer categories and nuance that makes these polls actionable.


All of this is fueled by our proprietary Dynamic Online Sampling methodology, which allows for accurate results no matter where in the country we’re polling. Low cost doesn’t mean sacrificing scientific rigor—no robo-dialing here.

How Spark works


Provide key details.


Contract, draft, go!


Stay updated.


Results in 3-5 days.

What’s included in Spark: Election Tracking Polling?

Survey Template

Each tracking poll follows the following template:

  • 8 Standard demographic and party ID questions
  • 1 Vote motivation question
  • 1 Favorability battery about candidates, possible candidates, and other public figures and organizations
  • 1 Question about respondents’ top issues
  • 1 Horse race question with the race’s top candidates
  • 1 Question to determine which respondents are considering other candidates

The favorability battery and candidate names are specific to your race and geography. The top issues favorability matrix can also be customized if desired.


You will receive a set of crosstabs, a toplines memo, and a brief overview of key findings.

Additional services such as a strategy memo, pollster readout, or a public-facing memo are available for an additional cost.

Why tracking polls?

House Majority PAC

In the last 2 months of the 2022 election, Change Research conducted 20 tracking polls in Congressional districts across the country for the House Majority PAC. HMP used them to prioritize their investments in the most competitive races, including providing support in Marie Gluesenkamp Pèrez’s upset win in Washington’s 3rd district. 

“Our internal numbers were actually really accurate. The problem was that nobody dared to believe them.” 

– Ali Lapp, President of the House Majority PAC