'F—You, Pay Me': American Women on Fear, Freedom, and Feminism

To: Michigan Liberation and the Wayne County For the People Coalition

From: Change Research

Date: May 29, 2020

Re: Wayne County MI County Prosecutor Race

Key Findings

Change Research conducted a poll of 816 registered likely 2020 Democratic primary voters in Wayne County, Michigan from May 26-28, 2020.

  • Racial justice is a key issue for these voters. Respondents were asked to indicate from a list their top issues when considering who to support for County Prosecutor. By a considerable margin, two main priorities surfaced in this poll: (1) Ending racial disparity in the criminal justice system (62% selected) and (2) Holding police accountable for shootings and misconduct (56% selected).
    • Coronavirus is a top concern and may influence how these voters participate in the election. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 indicates feeling extremely worried about coronavirus, the plurality of voters reported being a 10/10 on this scale (33%) and 66% rank their worry level in the top third of the scale (8, 9, or 10). When asked to indicate which statement came closer to their views about voting during the coronavirus outbreak, the majority (55%) reported that they would only cast a ballot if they could do so absentee/by mail.
      • Likely Democratic Primary voters in Wayne County are nearly unanimous on the issue of cash bail. 96% of these voters agree that cash bail keeps poor people locked up in jails, while wealthier people accused of the exact same crimes can buy their freedom, and 73% strongly agree.
      • Toplines

        D1. What is your gender?

        37% Male

        63% Female

        D2. In what year were you born? [recoded to the following age buckets]

        20% 18-34

        22% 35-49

        30% 50-64

        27% 65+

        D3. What is your race/ethnicity?

        40% White / Caucasian

        54% Black or African American

        1% Hispanic or Latino/a

        1% American Indian or Alaska Native

        1% Asian or Pacific Islander

        3% Other

        D4. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

        14% High school diploma or less

        35% Some college, but no degree

        15% Associate’s degree, or two-year college degree

        19% Bachelor’s degree, or four-year college degree

        17% Graduate degree

        D5. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a:

        62% Strong Democrat

        14% Not so strong Democrat

        12% Independent – lean Democrat

        7% Independent

        1% Independent – lean Republican

        1% Not so strong Republican

        1% Strong Republican

        Q1. Do you plan to vote in the August 4th Democratic primary election for state and local offices?

        84% Yes, definitely

        8% Yes, probably

        7% Maybe (50-50)

        1% Probably not

        % Definitely not

        For media inquiries, please email [email protected]

        Using its Dynamic Online Sampling Engine to attain a sample reflective of the electorate, Change Research polled 816 people in Wayne County Michigan, May 26-28, 2020. The margin of error as traditionally calculated is 3.4%. Post-stratification weighting was performed on age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, and 2016 presidential vote. Weighting parameters were based on voter file data, and 2016 presidential results were based on numbers released by the Michigan Secretary of State.